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Seagate Lyve Drive Shuttle
Finally. A Shuttle For Your Cloud.

Seagate Lyve Drive Shuttle


What is Lyve Drive Shuttle?

Take control of your data transfer and transport costs when moving data around your enterprise. The Seagate® Lyve™ Drive Shuttle is simple and affordable for emerging edge environments, regardless of cloud service provider. This shuttle supports most industry-standard file systems and network protocols for easy ingestion from direct-attached, networkattached, and other external storage devices.

Simple and Diverse

Experience simple functionality in a variety of storage options.

Fast and Affordable

Transfer and transport data without bandwidth limitations.

Secure and Rugged

Choose industry standard encryption inside a durable case.

How It Works

Experience true simplicity with drag-and-drop functionality similar to using an external USB drive.

Lyve Drive Shuttle supports most industry standard file systems and network protocol for easy ingestion from direct-attached, network-attached, and other external storage devices.

Leverage a lit status e-ink touch screen to copy files directly without a PC, whether in dark or bright environments.

  • DAS Mode - Connect USB-C cable (included) directly into your host system then manually drag-and-drop your data directly onto the shuttle.
  • NAS Mode - Similar to DAS mode, except shuttle will show on your network as a shared storage device once connected via ethernet cable (not included) into your network (router, switch, etc.).
  • Ingest Mode - Connect drone, audiovisual equipment, and other devices with media files to this shuttle to quickly and affordably transfer your data.